Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Omg I can’t believe my cousin just texted me trying to apologize and ask me to find it in my heart to forgive her. I’m totally thrown off. I don’t even know what to say or how to respond to her. I’m still really mad and hurt at what she did to me, but at the same time I’m such a softy and I feel kind of bad. I think I’ll ask my mom for her advice before I respond. What she did to me was so hurtful and humiliating, my own family. Even if I did forgive her, I don’t think it could ever be the same between us. I do miss having someone close to me that was like my older sister though.

So he still hasn’t called. I am NOT gonna call him because I was the last one to call and apologize and he just left me hanging AGAIN in all my misery. If he doesn’t want to be with me and if he thinks I’m such a bitch, then why don’t he just leave? He doesn’t even realize what he has and all the good things that I do for him all the time. What a waste of our last Friday together :(

Anyways, I’m so happy I have my BFF’s back. Jardine just completes Sol and I. I’m really excited for Sol’s 21st birthday! Relaxing at the beach, sushi dinner, and City walk. I have to fully charge my camera that night lol. Then in a couple more weeks is my trip to San Jose with my Wifeyface!! We totally need this time to get away from everything and just have some girl time. I really need to clear my mind and clear things up. Yayyy I’m excited!!

& ok now my birthday is coming up. Omg I’m gonna be 21! I feel so old! I still don’t even know what I want to do. I really feel like just going to Aroma Cafe lol. I know it doesn’t seem like much for a 21st birthday but I can’t really think of anything else I want. I want their pastries and chicken wraps! I’m also really craving red velvet crumbs cupcakes!!

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