Zuma Beach/Reunion
Today was the perfect summer day. It topped my entire summer. I spent the day at Zuma Beach with my BFF's Sol and Jardine, with Princess and Matt. It was soo much fun! We ate munchies, lazed around the sun, swam in the ocean next to the dolphins or sharks or whatever those things were!! hahahahaha, we took a million pics and played a night game of volleyball, then grubbed at krua thai for dinner, and chilled for a while at my pad. It was so much fun! The waves were so nice and relaxing at first, next thing I know they got so rough they almost killed me like twice! Literally! The pressure was so strong it slammed me into the ground and dragged me across the ocean floor! It threw me so hard on the sand I felt my back was almost gonna break no joke! After that I was to scared to go back in, the waves were way to strong lol. And I really wonder if those were sharks or dolphins or even whales that were swimming only like 20 feet away from us! But omg it was such an adventure! AHH!!! =)GOD is so good to me <3 I am so happy not only that HE blessed me by making me a nurse, but for bringing Jardine back into my life. I finally feel complete again. I am soo soo sooo happy! It feels so amazing! The 3 of us together again! I don't even mind sharing her as much cuz FINALLY shes actually really trying this time. Awwwee I love Sol and Jardine!! My sisters/BFFs forever and ever!! Thank you dear LORD for blessing me with amazing friends!!Pics from our perfect summer day!

I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! My sisters and bffs forever and ever!
Princess, Myself in pink, Jardine, and Matt way on the other side hahaha
& this is why we call him Titties. lol

Putting my face back on lol
Reunited and it feels soo good!!
Playing volleyball!
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