Monday, January 26, 2009

I want...

-a new burberry, chanel or louie handbag
-more time for just EVERYTHING
-more makeup
-a bigger vanity set
-to go shopping
-to lose this heffa weight and keep it off
-a bigger ass
-some chicken nuggets and honey mustard from mickey ds
-to go clubbing
-to party with my sluts
-to pass term 4 and graduate in march
-more clothes and pricey cute jewelry
-more cute shoes
-my backache to go away
-more patience
-to feel constant peace and happiness
-to watch that new scary movie "the uninvited"
-the new helly kitty kouture collection from mac cosmetics
-more money
-to chill with my cousin ate grace
-see sol
-to grub at pine tree korean bbq
-a macbook ( just cuz theyre cute, i still love my touchscreen hp though )
-a yorkie teacup puppy. omg i want one so bad!
-more occasions and time to get dolled up and fabulous
-to watch the new season of keeping up with the kardashians
-to sleep in all day long without worrying about things i have to get done
-the mac eyeshadows sketch, shale, and texture which are next on my list along with the #187 mac brush
-to get my eyebrows threaded
-to get my nails done
-to stop being so lazy
-a copy of "the secret"

Yah i know. i want alot of things.

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