Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I fucking ate again and I feel like jumping off a building. I promised myself yesterday would be the last day i binged and then today I would starve and purge. But no I woke up anxious as fuck again. Food was my automatic go to for comfort. & now I feel even worse about myself. Why cant I just stop fucking eating?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle,

    I found your blog through Jardine's blog (I know it's super old but yeah). You still friends with her? I remembered I saw you briefly when my friend Brian and I stopped at Maricar's house. That was back in 2007 haha.

    Reading your "recent" posts, let me say this: Don't put yourself down. If others are doing so, you ought to drop your connection with them. Time is ticking and dealing with unpleasant nobodies only gets in the way of what you truly hope to accomplish in this life. Stand strong.

    Tell Jardine I said hi!

    - Kris
